Here is another e-mail I got about a year back for tracing the RIC in the National Archives of the UK though you won't see much difference between this e-mail and the one from the National Archives of Ireland
Dear Ronan,
With reference to your enquiry, the original service and pension records
of members of the Royal Irish Constabulary are in the custody of The
National Archives (UK), Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW4 9DU,
The National Archives holds microfilm copies of the R.I.C. service
registers which record such information on individual members of the
force as age on joining, any former occupation, height, religious
affiliation, by whom recommended, native county (but not name) of wife,
places in which stationed, any promotions and reason for leaving the
The information on R.I.C. members is recorded under each individual
member's service number. The service number of any member is obtained
by searching in the surname indexes to the service registers. However,
I regret that, because of the volume of requests for information we
receive, we are unable to devote the time necessary to undertake
searches in the surname indexes to determine service numbers. Unless it
is possible for us to be advised of an R.I.C. member's service number,
we have to request that persons seeking information relating to the
career of a former member of the R.I.C. visit our reading room to
conduct personally any such research.
The National Archives is open to the public between the hours of 10.00
am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday - with the exception of public
holidays. Archives are produced for inspection from 10.00 am to 4.30
Herlihy, J, The Dublin Metropolitan Police - A short history and
genealogical guide
(Dublin, 2001).
----------, The Royal Irish Constabulary - A complete list of officers
and men, 1816-1922, (Dublin, 1999).
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